I don't have a lot of details for tomorrow. Instead of focusing on passengers' abuse of flight attendants and the latest mileage devaluations let's take a 6-minute break to have a few laughs with Mr. Magoo.The Humorous Masterpiece When Magoo FlewMany things make me laugh, including Mr. Bean and Little Britainyes. Even after all these years, it's still a pleasure to watch Mr. Magoo, and especially When Magoo Flew by Columbia Studios UPA in 1954.Magoo is a nearsighted man who mistakenly thinks an airport is a cinema. Magoo decides to board an airplane instead of sitting down and watching a movie. Magoos's friend is a bank robber with stolen money. He gets scared when a detective from the police board the plane to find him. Magoo disappears, leaving behind his briefcase. Magoo sets off to find him. Hilarity ensues.Enjoy this short movie if you have 6.5 minutes. It's a great laugh. Jim Backus (Mr. Howell at Gilligans Island), does a fantastic Mr. Magoo!