Scientists believe they have discovered rare collisions between a black hole, a neutron star and a black hole for the first time thanks to the LIGO observatory at Hanford, Eastern Washington.Gravitational waves from the violent mergers ripped through space and time, reaching Earth at least 900,000,000 light-years away.Since the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory at Hanford nuclear reserve made its first discovery in 2005, gravitational waves from more than 50 merging pairs black holes or neutron stars has been detected at that observatory and its associated observatories.This is the first time that gravitational waves resulting from the merger between a black hole, neutron star and a neutron star has been confirmed.According to a Tuesday paper in The Astrophysical Journal of Letters, the phenomenon was discovered twice in January 2020.The initial discovery of the Hanford LIGO north of Richland, January 5, 2020, was interrupted by the Hanford LIGO. However, gravitational waves could be observed by the twin observatories in Louisiana and Italy's Virgo observatory.LIGO Hanford, along with the two other observatories, detected the signal of a second neutron star merger ten days later.Hanford LIGO, along with other observatories that scan the night sky for light, detects minute movements on Earth as gravitational waves pass through it.Artist's rendering of the merger of two neutron star is available. The Hanford LIGO observatory detected gravitational waves in 2017 from the collision between neutron stars.The dense remnants of dying stars known as neutron stars are subject to catastrophic explosions when they collapsing at the end.Black holes are also the bodies of massive stars. They are even more massive that neutron stars.According to the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, both detections indicated that the neutron star was probably swallowed whole in the black hole it orbited.1 Billion light-years from EarthAstronomers spent decades looking for neutron stars that orbit black holes in the Milky Way. They have yet to find one.Continue the storyWe have discovered the missing binary type with this discovery of neutron star/blackhole mergers outside of our galaxy," said Astrid Lamberts (researcher for the Virgo Collaboration), an announcement of the finding.She said that we can now see how many of these systems are there, how often they combine, and why the Milky Way does not have any examples.Researchers have been able to detect two mergers of neutron stars and black holes, allowing them to calculate that there is approximately one such merger per month within 1 billion years of Earth. This is according to the LIGO Scientific Collaboration.Hanford LIGO detected a merger that involved a blackhole about nine times the mass Earth's sun and a neutron-star about 1.5 times as large.They collided approximately 1 billion light-years away from Earth.Scientists were able to pinpoint the exact spot where the collision took place because Hanford LIGO and two other observatories detected gravitational wave on Jan. 15. According to the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the area was still 3,000 times larger than a full moon.Scientists are working on an upgrade to the LIGO observatory at Louisiana. This was after LIGO Hanford (and its twin observatory) in Louisiana were closed for upgrades and maintenance.The discovery of a larger blackhole, 9 times the mass as the sun, and a 1.9 solar-mass neutron star earlier in the month was made.Because the signal was weak at the Louisiana LIGO however, the area in which it occurred can be reduced to an area only 34,000 times larger than a full moon.You are looking for lightBlack holes collide and emit no light.However, mergers that contain neutron stars produce gamma radiations.This raises the possibility of observatories that can observe light forms such as ultraviolet, radiowaves and radiowaves detecting mergers with neutron star stars. Scientific data could also be added to by these observatories.Soon after January 2020 mergers were detected by gravitational-wave observatories, astronomers were alerted.They had no luck.A bird's eye view of the LIGO Hanfords vacuum and laser equipment area. It contains the beam splitter, pre-stabilized laser and other equipment.According to LIGO scientists, the mergers might not have given off any light since the black holes were large enough for the neutron stars to be swallowed whole.These events were not where the black holes ate the neutron stars like a cookie monster and then flung pieces around, explained Patrick Brady, a spokesperson for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and professor at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.He stated in a press release that flinging around is what would produce light.Moreover, any light from the mergers would be difficult to detect because they were so far away from Earth.The network of two U.S. LiGOs and Virgo has suspected that they have detected black holes and neutron star mergings twice in the past, but could not confirm their suspicions.One was a case in which scientists weren't sure if they were seeing a merger, or noise from data from other tiny movements that looked like gravitational waves passing through Earth.In the opposite case, the mass of the neutron star would be the largest known and that of the black hole the lightest, raising questions about its possible detection.LIGO Hanford observatoryThe LIGO Hanford gravitational wave observatory has been shut down, along with other observatories in order to increase its detection capabilities.Artist's rendition of the destruction of a neutron Star as it is swallowed by a Black Hole. These mergers were first detected by the Hanford LIGO observatory.It will be joining observatories in Louisiana and Italy for its next observation run next summer.Brady stated that the increased sensitivity will allow us to detect merger waves as often as once per day, and help to measure the properties and super-dense matter of neutron stars and black holes.The LIGO Hanford observatory is funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation. It operates in the 580-square-mile Hanford site, near the Tri-Cities, which was never used for the nation's nuclear weapons program.This site offers a quiet environment for searching gravitational waves. Scientists must still filter signals from space out of data from other movements, such as vibrations from Hanford that were detected from waves in Washington State's Pacific Coast.LIGO Hanford's two vacuum tubes extend 2.5 miles across Hanford shrub steppe at right angles. A mirror suspended from fine wires is at the end of each tube.Splitting a high-power laser beam to go down each tube and bounding off each mirror at each end, creates a powerful beam. The beam will recombine perfectly if it is not disturbed.LIGO Laboratory has two detector sites. One is located at Hanford, northwest of Richland, Eastern Washington. The other is near Livingston in Louisiana. This is the Hanford detector location.A gravity wave that pulses through the Earth compresses objects sideways and stretches them lengthwise. An ellipse would be a circle.LIGO Hanford would see one arm grow longer than the other. The laser beams wouldn't be able to combine perfectly.LIGO Hanford was a scientific breakthrough in 2016, when it and the Louisiana observatory announced that they had detected gravitational waves passing through Earth. This confirmed Albert Einstein's theory of relativity.