Map of the research area for the team. Credit: Gengping Zhangu, University of Tennessee KnoxvilleClimate change is causing sea level rises and increasing temperatures. Flora and fauna are moving to new and unexplored lands in search of survival. To stay cool, some animal species will need to migrate further north. Trees and plants will need to expand their seed distribution in order to be successful for future generations.Just as they adapt to change, so must our ideas about how to engage in conservation.An interdisciplinary team of researchers, including those from Virginia Tech, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and the University of Southern California, received a grant from National Science Foundation's Dynamics of Integrated Socio-Environmental Systems Program. This grant allowed them to help conservation agencies and other stakeholders from across the state and local borders.Todd Schenk, associate professor in Virginia Tech's Urban Affairs and Planning Program, said that conservation efforts are often based on the belief that certain species only exist in certain places. It is now clear that this is no longer true, if ever it was. We are at the point now where climate change and other global changes drivers are transforming ecosystems at a rapid pace."Managers, environmental planners, researchers, and others are increasingly seeing the effects of climate change on ecosystems. They are now asking this question: How can we manage the migration of whole ecosystems when conservation efforts are limited to certain places and restricted by political boundaries?The team of researchers will focus on the southern and central Appalachian Mountains, one of the most biodiverse regions in the world. This region will be used as a test case for the development a more dynamic vision for conservation.Appalachian ecosystems are the most diverse in the lower 48. These mountain ecosystems cover an area of 737,000 sq miles and are home to many thousands of species. They have played and will continue to play critical roles in the ability to allow species movements to occur as climate change changes.13 states are covered by the Appalachian Mountains. The Appalachian Mountain Range is an excellent example of how management challenges will arise as species face new and growing threats.Schenk stated that one thing is worth noting is our state borders. State borders were drawn long ago without taking into account certain ecological features.Schenk stated that boundaries are seldom drawn on the basis ecosystems like watersheds and river basins. We have done the exact opposite. Many states have rivers that act as borders. We didn't draw these boundaries to protect the ecology of the regions. They were drawn for other reasons.These artificial boundaries can be a problem for those responsible for environmental planning and management. These boundaries will be constantly challenged by environmental changes, so it is essential to coordinate across them.Paul Armsworth (an ecologist at Tennessee's Knoxville University and the principal investigator of the project) said that "much of what we do as society to protect species is ultimately tied with fixed geographies." "We either protect certain areas of the landscape in nature reserve or ask state agencies for help protecting species within their borders. We will need to be more flexible and adaptive to ensure that species are protected as climate change accelerates.This type of collective thinking, according to researchers, will require changes in culture and institutions within conservation NGOs and natural resource management agencies. It is likely that these changes will take time.Artificial intelligence will allow the team to measure these changes over time, and alert federal and state agencies to plan accordingly.Bistra Dilkina from the University of Southern California, co-PI of the computer science team, said, "If we only react to change once they have happened, then the conservation sector will always be in crisis mode. But we can get ahead of it." "If we use modern computational approaches, it is possible to predict how species will react to changing climates and the impact of ecological changes on the landscape. This will allow us to explore the types of governance collaborations that are needed to prepare for these changes.The team plans to engage with agency officials and other people responsible for integrating climate changes into state wildlife action plans (SWAPs) in order to explore these issues more. It can be challenging to coordinate efforts to address wicked problems like climate change because each state has its own plan. It is vital to coordinate.Schenk stated that "there isn't tight integration between those state borders." "Those who make these plans are responsible for their state and their respective states only. They won't suddenly begin making plans for other states. They won't suddenly start making plans for the other states.The team also seeks knowledge from people who have been caring for the land since before Europeans arrived. The Appalachian Mountain ranges are home to many Indigenous tribes. The team will learn from them and help them improve their management strategies in the face of changing climate.Schenk stated that "they are crucial partners in this project due to their longer-term relationships with the land and stewardship of it."The team is optimistic that this project will make a significant impact on conservation in the Appalachian and other regions.William A. Hopkins, professor of wildlife at the College of Natural Resources and Environment and associate executive director of Fralin Life Sciences Institute, stated that "at their core, climate change is really people problems." If we are to reverse or stop their negative effects on society and the environment, then we must also address their human dimension. This NSF-funded project, which involved ecologists, computer scientists, and social scientists, exemplifies how innovative solutions are needed to address these problems.The Fralin Life Sciences Institute is making bold moves to support and foster similar collaborations with colleges and other institutions at Virginia Tech."We recently co-located faculty from five colleges in Steger Hall with diverse expertise to address problems related to rapid changes in the environment. Hopkins added that Todd Schenk was brought in through coordination with the Institute for Society, Culture, and Environment.Schenk stressed that the NSF Dynamics of Integrated Socio-Environmental Systems Program is a rare opportunity for researchers. Researchers from different disciplines will collaborate, as will those outside and within academia.Schenk stated that the program would integrate social and environmental fields. This is crucial for issues such as effective conservation. It is great to see all federal agencies, as well as the Fralin Life Sciences Institute, come together to support genuine, sustainable, deeper collaboration that goes beyond academia.Continue reading