Babyfoot also worked for me. For more information, check out my complete Babyfoot review.Promising review: I'm obsessed. This stuff works as it should. Soak your feet for at least an hour. After that, you can put on boots for one hour. Rinse with soap and water. For the next two weeks soak your feet for 5-10 minutes each day. Wear socks for as many as possible and at least 20-30 minutes after each soak. The skin on the tops of your feet and ankles won't peel in sheets but it is much more soft than the skin on the bottom. After 48 hours, the bottom of your feet and toes began to peel. After that, the big peeling began within 24 hours. It even helped to soften the feeling of my two large surgical scars on my foot and ankle. TIPS: Don't moisturize during the peeling process. This should not be done within two weeks of your naked feet being exposed to the public. It's gross and messy. I don't experience any irritation from my very sensitive skin. It is impossible to not peel the large pieces. However, if you encounter resistance, you should stop peeling. If you have to peel, soak for at least 10-15 minutes. Do not create sores or wounds. "I'm hooked, and I will do it again and again." ShannonAmazon has it for $25