Courtney Love, Olivia Rodrigo Photo: Alberto E. Rodriguez ( Getty Images), Frazer Harrison( Getty Images)Courtney Love is requesting flowers from her for allegedly inventing sad prom queens. Love has called Olivia Rodrigo, the newest pop darling Olivia Rodrigo, for allegedly using Holes Live Through This as a cover art in promotion of her Sour Prom concert film.AdvertisementLove shared the photo of Rodrigo in an Instagram post with the caption "Spot the difference!" #twinning! Rodrigo responds, love u, and live through it sooooo much!There are many similarities between these images: the purple background and the bouquet of roses, prom queen crown, and makeup that is tear-smeared. People were quick to point out other works, such as Carrie which Rodrigo cites as an example, that focus on emotional prom queens. Although they share a striking resemblance in appearance, the fact that a 56-year old woman picks online battles with an 18 year-old over a popular theme doesn't bode well for Love.The Hole frontman also shared the image on Facebook, Twitter, and further discussed in comments threads why she feels so frustrated by the alleged copying.It is rude to steal an original idea without asking permission. It's not possible to be elegant about it. I'm not mad. It happens to me all the time, Love wro ite.It was Geffen (Rodrigos' record label), Love continued. I have informed her that I am waiting for her flowers and a note. It's going to be a long time, I hope. Is Disney teaching writing and reading to children? God only knows. Let's wait and see. This is quite rude. Is this a rage-inducing situation? This is what honey, if I had a dollar to give everyone? I would be so rich!Rodrigo was not the only one to be accused of plagiarism. Others also pointed out the layers similarities between Rodrigo's promotional imagery and the Pom Pom Club's. It was a difficult day for anyone looking to photograph flowers, cheerleader outfits, or other themes related to high school.