BigStockIn times of crisis, it is possible to feel the time compress. This means that time seems to speed up out of control. Sensing that time is compressing can cause us to resort to impulsive reactions and poor decision-making. What can we do to make better decisions when under stress?There is a way to avoid that feeling of being out of control. Hacking the clock is it.Hacking the clock is an aviation term that we use when there is an emergency or crisis in flight. Hacking the clock is when we push a timer on the cockpit clock to get a real-time gauge of how much time has passed. In order to maintain a safe, stable, and functional environment, we intentionally slow down things.Two things can be done for an aviator by hacking the clock:It is a physical response to crisis. This helps us feel in control, even when adrenaline is running through our veins. This triggers us into focusing on the emergency-specific checklists and actions.Hacking the clock allows the brain to quickly catch up to high-pressure situations, assess them, and then take appropriate actions in the right order.Hacking the clock is not just for fighter pilots. This is a proven method of slowing down and taking stock during crises of any kind. It can help you avoid a stressful situation or work-related chaos from turning into a costly disaster.It can be helpful to simply notice the passing of time during a crisis and help you manage fear when it starts to feel faster.Another clock hack you can use is to deliberately slow down or defer decision-making for hours, sometimes even days. This strategy can help your company maintain a realistic perspective and get all the facts. It will also allow you to make calm decisions about any decision that you are faced with.Calm is contagious.You need to have procedures and actions you can trust when things get out of control. You don't have an emergency plan or a set of procedures that can be used during stressful situations. Make one today so you and others know how to proceed.Remember that managing a business emergency involves identifying the top priority of your team. Gather as much information and get everyone together to identify the problem. Before you jump into action, give yourself and your team the chance to listen, observe, and ask questions.When you are faced with a crisis again, the first thing to do is slow down and take control of the situation.