(REUTERS).Barack Obama condemned Donald Trump's attempts to undermine the 2020 presidential election results. He warned that former Republican presidents campaign will contest his decisive defeat based on a bunch of hooey and similar efforts to discredit election outcomes.Speaking to a virtual fundraiser to support the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, Mr Obama said that his successors' baseless claims and conspiracy theories have allowed other GOP officials to throw out results.We saw my former president, my successor, break that core tenet of counting the votes, then declaring a winner, and fabricate and make up some hooey. Mr Obama stated on 28 June.He said that if we don't stop these types of efforts now, we will see more and more contested election. We will see further delegitimisation of democracy and the breakdown of the fundamental agreement that has kept this amazing democratic experiment together for so many years.Trump hampered the legitimacy of mail in ballots for months before any single vote was cast in 2020. His legal team made a false legal bid to toss out millions in ballots in states he lost. While his lawyers and his allies bolstered baseless claims about widespread voter fraud or suggested that Democrats conspired with Democrats to manipulate ballots to his disadvantage.Ex-president's own election commission, campaign lawyers, the Justice Department and FBI, as well as elections officials from both sides of the US, have not seen any evidence of widespread fraud.A right-wing lobby-backed campaign to preserve election integrity and voter trust was launched to draft legislation in Republican-controlled state legislatures. This bill made it harder to vote. It repealed mail-in ballot options and early voting options, and stripped election supervision from election administrators.Continue the storySenate Republicans blocked a comprehensive voting rights bill to eliminate nationwide restrictions. The US Department of Justice sued Georgia for violating the Voting Right Act over its election law.Michelle Obama, former First Lady, urged Congress to pass legislation before it was too late to stop these measures.Obama stated that he believes the US Senate will try a new vote regarding the For The People Act.The fundraiser heard President Joe Biden tell the crowd that the sacred right of voting is being attacked in ways I've never seen. That's what got me involved.He said that it is about who can vote and whether they count. We have a system that does both, with integrity and independence. The Republicans are determined to do something that no other political party has attempted: make your vote count. It's absurd.Continue readingDuring speech about coming out, Valedictorians microphone was cut offMike Gravel, ex-US senator for Alaska, has died at 91Nearly all COVID deaths in the US now occur among unvaccinated