According to a survey of Hawaii residents conducted by Omnitrak and the Hawaii Tourism Authority, more than 70% believe tourism is worth the problems associated with it.The overwhelming yes answer was to a question prefaced by key data about the value of Hawaii tourism. In 2019, visitors spent almost $18 billion in Hawaii. This generated $2 billion in state tax revenue to support local schools and hospitals.These facts show that the overwhelming majority of respondents believe tourism is worth the problems it presents. Oahu has the highest percentage at 78 percent. The islands had a fairly evenly distributed yes rate.Chris Kam, chief operating officer of Omnitrak Group, stated that while residents are concerned about the negative effects of tourism, they still support the industry.Six months after the results of the last resident sentiment survey, which showed that two-thirds (or more) of Hawaiian residents did not want tourists returning to the islands, this acknowledgement of the industry's value comes six months later.This is also after months without tourism dollars, and tourism is returning to Hawaii much faster than officials expected. The archipelago is experiencing record numbers of tourists returning, even though it is mostly domestic.Kam stated that tourism in Hawaii has picked up speed like a moving train, and it is hard to adjust.According to the survey results, the main problem is getting consensus on how much more can be done to manage tourism, and the associated issues.Separately, Kam asked about the state's tourism-management efforts. These include quality-of life issues and balancing residents needs with visitors. Kam said that there was a mixed response to this question.Although mixed results were found, at least 50% of respondents agreed or very little to the fact that more efforts are being made to balance tourism's economic benefits and residents' quality of life, which is 62 percent for Maui. Overall, only 11-13% of respondents felt that more was being done.Kam stated that residents were looking for ways to manage tourism better. According to the survey results, they cited three main strategies: 1) regenerative tourist, which is teaching visitors how to care for islands and communities; 2) accommodation, including the elimination of illegal vacation rental, with more than 50 percent favoring the former, and 3) charging visitors access fees for natural attraction.Kam stated that the survey results showed that residents feel more positive about managed-tourism if it is integrated with quality-of life initiatives and economic impact. This is not just about economics or tourism tax revenues. Residents expect the industry will improve their quality of living and grow responsibly.Experts agree that timing is crucial for Hawaii to move beyond the planning stage and find and implement solutions. Frank Haas, a veteran Hawaii tourism marketing expert, said it again recently. He noted that Hawaii could take inspiration from other destinations to create its own model for tourism management solutions but that the destination should get serious about managing tourism.Kam agreed that Covid could be Hawaii's best chance to address the problems, to seize the opportunity for adjustments, to rethink tourism management and destination management.Kam stated that long-term, we are focusing on cultural and social sustainability for tourism. We believe economic sustainability also includes the ability for our keiki (children), to live, work, care for and educate future generations in Hawaii, Kam said.This is the ultimate goal for every destination that has a living community. It is also the fundamental belief of Hawaiian hospitality: A happy place to live is an enjoyable place to visit.This principle is based on mutual respect for values. Kam stated that the Hawaii Tourism Authority's 2021-2023 strategy to create destination-specific management plans and the Malama Hawaii campaign and program for regenerative tourism were both on the right track.It is a forward-looking, thoughtful approach to destination management. This still considers economics but not at the cost of quality of living.