June 29, 2021 7 minutes readThis article was translated using AI technology from the Spanish edition. This process may cause errors.Entrepreneur contributors do not necessarily agree with the opinions expressed.Podcasts are a great way for people to share their thoughts, experiences, and opinions on a topic.Many will be asking: What is a Podcast? Let's clarify: A podcast is a way to prepare audio content and post it on the Internet. Many people.The English words "podcast" and "broadcast" are combined to create the word podcast.Your voice will be heardSometimes we make excuses for not starting our podcast because we don't have the experience or aren't experts in the area where we want to begin. However, the point of having our podcast is to reach our target audience and help them solve their most pressing problems.If you're a doctor, for example, you could start sharing tips and experiences that can help people lose weight, improve their health, or take care of their overall well-being. It can be done by you or other experts, colleagues, and friends.Important clarification: Podcasting doesn't require you to be a celebrity. It is actually the opposite. Your ideas will be heard by your audience as they listen to you and grow with your content.Personal branding is vitalPodcasting has the added benefit of aligning your personal branding strategy. It is all about achieving your goals in the medium and long-term. This will pay off to the extent you can share your ideas with an audience who will be loyal to your content. In the case audio content, they will listen to you, share and comment and can subscribe to your new episodes.Brands and products might be interested in your content, creating income from your project.These are the 4 steps you need to get started with your first podcastThese are the four essential things to remember when you consider starting your podcast.1. 1.Define a topic and a format: This is the most important thing when you start a podcast. Choose a topic you are familiar with and you believe will be of value to your audience. Podcasts with weekly topics, podcasts with interviews, podcasts with guests, podcasts with podcasts, and podcasts with movie and book reviews are the most popular formats. There are many themes to choose from. There are many themes. The length of the programs can vary from five minutes to an hour. There are programs for every taste.2. 2.Define a publication schedule: You need to define the frequency at which each episode will be released. It will be a weekly podcast, biweekly podcast, or monthly. Once you have decided on a format, plan and research what topics you will cover in each episode. You should take the time to research sources, interviewees and ideas you would like to use in each episode.Once you are ready, grab your smartphone (or hire a professional studio), and start recording your first episode. You can add sound effects and music to your audio to give it more depth and appeal. What are the steps to record? Recording is easy.3. Define which platforms you want to post on: To reach your audience, you'll need a Spotify account. As I said, there are other platforms available in Spanish. You should not exclude local platforms or in your native language. The more presence you have, the more viral your content can become. This is dependent on your topic and the niche audience you are targeting.4. Make it a regular feature and share it on all your social media networks. Now, it's time for you to share your podcast with everyone. Your podcast episodes should be shared on all of your social media networks. You can also mention interviews with @ if they are available. Remember to mention your Personal Brand's new tactic in all communications, such as a link on your website or by recording yourself while you create the podcast and then upload it to YouTube. Transmedia is a way to make the most of both the strengths and weaknesses of each medium. Your primary audience in a podcast will be those who already know and follow you. Then, new followers will start to follow you. The key to success is consistency. This means you must publish regularly and encourage loyalty and referrals from your followers.Here's a help: Find the best platforms to share your podcastYou must share your first episode once you have it recorded and edited. This can be done from your smartphone with apps like Mobile Podcaster or Dolby On.Anchor.fm is a great way to share your podcast on multiple platforms quickly and professionally. Anchor.fm is a great way to upload your podcast to multiple platforms simultaneously, and without the need to do it manually for each one. It is also an official Spotify website.This article may interest you: How to start and keep a podcast goingSpreaker.com is another popular aggregator where your podcast can be automatically shared on multiple platforms. You can also upload your podcast to Spreaker.com, Google Podcast, iTunes and Stitcher.I would recommend that you find some joy in your life. Your first episode should be recorded and shared with the world. If you are willing to share your ideas and experiences, they can benefit many. Do not keep them; share them!