Oxford University Press published a new paper in JNCI Cancer Spectrum that shows many young adult survivors of adolescent or young adult cancers are hesitant to get COVID-19 vaccines.In the United States, COVID was responsible for more than 33 million deaths and 580,000 cases as of March 2021. The best way to stop the spread of COVID-19 is through vaccinations. However, around 20%-40% of Americans are hesitant about getting COVID-19 vaccine. Many cancer survivors have weak immune systems, which makes them more susceptible to severe respiratory infections.National organizations strongly recommend that survivors of cancer receive the COVID-19 vaccination. Priority vaccinations should be given to cancer survivors.The study was conducted by researchers to determine sociodemographic factors that are associated with COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy in young adult and adolescent cancer survivors. Participants must have been 18 years old or older and had been diagnosed with cancer between 15 and 39. They also need to have received care through the Huntsman Cancer Institute at Utah and Intermountain Healthcare.The survey was completed by 342 people. Over one-third of participants expressed COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy, with 62.9% intending to receive the vaccine. Female survivors and survivors who had only a high-school education or less have reported higher vaccine hesitancy than their male or college graduates counterparts.The study found that 42% of young adult cancer survivors were female and reported vaccine hesitancy, compared to 30.1% for males. The odds of a victim reporting COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy to the study were 3.15 times greater for those with a high school diploma or less than for college graduates. Hispanic participants had 52.9% of vaccine hesitancy while White participants had 31.6%.Austin Waters, who was part of the research team, said that "as life returns to some resemblance to normal, receiving the COVID-19 vaccination is as important as ever." Cancer survivors shouldn't wait to receive the COVID-19 vaccination. Young survivors should be encouraged to get the vaccine by their cancer centers and oncology care providers. Special attention should be given to vaccine hesitancy in at-risk groups, such as young adults who have survived cancer and those with less education.The paper "COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among adolescents and young adult cancer survivors" is now available at https:/// doi. http:// / doi.org/ 10. 1093/ jncics/ pikab049###You can correspond directly to:Austin R. WatersHuntsman Cancer Institute University of Utah2000 Circle of HopeSalt Lake City, UT 84112Austin.waters@hci.utah.eduFor a copy of this study, please contact:Daniel Luzerdaniel.luzer@oup.com