Christina Aguilera has spoken out in support of Britney Sppears. She called the abuses she suffered "unacceptable" while urging those in charge to allow her to live her life.Aguilera posted a series tweets, along with an old picture of Britney and herself -- Monday night. Xtina began by saying that she had been thinking about Britney these past few days and all the things she is going through. It is unacceptable for any woman or human to not have the power to decide their destiny.The past few days have been filled with thoughts about Britney and all she is going through.It is unacceptable for any woman or person to not have the right to choose their destiny. pic.twitter.com/NRhNwcJaD3 Christina Aguilera, (@xtina), June 29, 2021 @xtinaBritney's claims that she couldn't get married or have children in the conservatorship were made by Britney last week. The singer responded to Britney's allegations, saying: "Every woman should have the right of her body, her reproductive system, privacy, her space, her healing, and her happiness."Aguilera said, "The conviction of this plea for freedom and the desperation it brings me leads me to believe this person that I used to know has been living in defiance of those in charge."Xtina's support message comes almost one week after Britney's shocking court testimony, in which she stated to a judge that she wanted to get out of a 13-year conservatorship without undergoing a mental evaluation.Monday's statement by Christina included a mention to Britney's former friendship. She stated that it was clear that Britney has not received the compassion she deserves.Watch video content at TMZ.com