Many countries have attempted to create Travel Corridors, with Singapore Hong Kong being the most successful. However, they have failed at least twice and thrice. Although the Trans-Tansman one was more successful, it is currently closed because of imported Covid-19 from Australia to New Zealand.According to the Financial Times, Monday's report said that hopes of a US UK Travel Corridor arriving in time for the Fourth of July holiday are now dead. A more realistic time frame would be September.Here's an excerpt taken from Financial TimesTalks about a US-UK corridor for travel began last week. Officials involved said that it was becoming increasingly unlikely that they would be able to reach a decision by the end next month as many had expected. They said that a combination of the increased number of cases of the Delta variant virus in the UK, the complexity of the US political system and uncertainty about the status of AstraZenecas' vaccine would make it more likely that talks will be extended into August and September. According to another person who was familiar with the talks, the UK was pushing for an agreement more than the US. The complexity of finalizing a US-UK travel corridor is made more difficult by the fact that many US government departments have an input on coronavirus travel rules. This includes the Department of Transportation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the White House.ConclusionBoth parties must agree to open the travel corridor. This is more urgent for Downing Street than it is for the White House.Brits who have valid ESTAs can enter the United States without having to spend at least two weeks in Mexico or Turkey.It is hard to imagine the amount of money Virgin Atlantic and British Airways are losing each day that their transatlantic network is shut down.It's easy to set up travel restrictions. But it is difficult to remove them. Sometimes they are even rolled back as we reported earlier.