Officials at Grand Teton National Park said that a grizzly found a snack among tourists and had to be relocated.Rangers at Wyoming's national park said that grizzly bears were fed by visitors June 12 from their cars. Officials at the park said that the bear wasn't the only one who was upset by humans eating them recently.Grand Teton National Park staff relocated a subadult gry bear within the park. The bear was given a food reward for two instances of irresponsible human behavior, rangers stated in a Friday press release.A camper reported to park rangers on June 11 that a grizzly had entered a campsite and sniffed the tent and picnic table. The bear was not present at the campsite when the incident occurred, but it did get its claws on the tent.The tent was not damaged and the bear fled after people started screaming.The grizzly was found in a trash container that had been left unattended at a campsite a couple of days earlier. According to park officials, the bear received trash and a drink at camp.Rangers stated that all evidence and reports indicated that one grizzly bear was responsible for each incident.Officials from Parks captured the male grizzly (about 2 and 1/2 years old) and moved it by boat to the west side Jackson Lake.Chip Jenkins, Grand Teton National Park Superintendent, stated that feeding wildlife at Grand Teton was illegal and dangerous. Both incidents are under investigation.Officials from the park said that a food storage violation citation was issued to the person who had left unattended trash and drinks. Investigating the reported feeding of the bear by a vehicle is underway.Bears who are fed by humans may lose their fear of people, and they will seek out them as a source of food. Bears may become aggressive towards people and need to be killed.Grand Teton picnickers and campers should not leave items they won't use immediately.Continue the storyNational Park Service reminds tourists not to push bear friends into bears.Officials from the park stated that bears can be stopped by park staff to quickly gather food items and give them a reward. Bear-resistant food lockers are available throughout the park.Grand Teton National Park, which is also bear country, could be visited by tourists at any moment. Tourists should not climb trees or run if confronted by bears. They should instead slow down and use bear spray.Park rangers say bear behavior is complex. Bears respond differently to different situations, just like people. Be alert and make noise to avoid encountersYellowstone ranger Grizzly is charged after tourists get too close to him, videoShe is very lucky.Even bears enjoy cracking open cold beer.