According to a new report, a Taiwanese woman had two pieces of chopstick stuck in her sinuses for over a week following a fight with her sister.According to the June 24 report in The Journal of Emergency Medicine, the 29-year old woman was attacked by her sister with plastic-wood chopsticks at the dinner table. She went to the emergency department.After the attack, the woman claimed that she had suffered mild swelling and a nosebleed. Doctors found two minor cuts on her nose and under her eye. However, an X-ray showed nothing unusual.Two small injuries were found under her nose and eye by doctors. (Elsevier 2021).One week later, however, the woman started to suspect that her injury might be more severe than she thought.According to Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, Taiwan, she noticed "some parts" of the chopsticks that were used in the attack. She thought she saw a gray object in her nose when she looked into the mirror.Similar: 27 strangest medical casesThe report stated that a doctor examined her nose and found pieces of chopstick in her nasal septum. Two chopstick pieces were found in her sinuses by CT scanning. One was more deeply embedded than the other.To treat sinus infections, the surgeons used the same route the chopsticks took to get into the woman's skull.According to the report, the woman required surgery to remove the fragments that measured 1.4 inches (3.5 cm) and 2 inches (5cm) respectively. There were no complications during surgery.After they were removed, chopstick fragments. (Elsevier 2021).The authors stated that foreign bodies in the skull, such as chopsticks, should not be allowed to enter the emergency room. They could cause asymptomatic symptoms.Doctors should perform an exam of the ears, nose, and throat to rule out a foreign body.Similar content:12 stunning images of medicineA insider's look at sinus infectionsImplants for dental treatment end up in the sinuses of womenLive Science originally published this article. You can read the original article here.