Amazon's latest subscription is designed to attract newbie record collectors. You will receive a new vinyl every 30 days if you sign up for the Vinyl of the Month Club.The $25 plan will not reveal the records you'll get until they arrive at your doorstep. However, they will be classics from Amazon Music's Golden Era of Vinyl. These are the 60s and 70s. Vinyls will be sent from artists such as Pink Floyd, Aretha Franklin, and ABBA. This might not suit you if your tastes aren't mainstream.Rolling Stone points to the fact that the subscription can still be a good value for money. Amazon quietly introduced the Vinyl of the Month Club plan in the past few months. Subscribers have been able to receive The Wall by Pink Floyd and London Calling by The Clash in the last few months. These albums are available for $47 and $32.56 respectively on Amazon, so you'd be able to save some money. The mystery bag format means that you can't know in advance if you will get the album you want.Vinyl can be returned as long as it is still sealed and unopened. It might be worth streaming the album or artist to get a better idea of the music before you start ripping off the packaging. You can cancel or skip a month at any time. You don't need to be Prime member to sign-up for shipping.As more people adopt the old format, vinyl has seen a steady rise in popularity in recent years. Streaming is the largest segment of the music industry, but vinyl sales increased 29 percent to $619.6 Million in 2020, compared to the previous year.