This content was made possible by our sponsor. It is not written by Engadget editorial staff and does not necessarily reflect their views.Programming is not an easy skill to learn. There are many coding languages available, each with its own uses. There are many types and applications of programming today, ranging from data science to game design.How can one learn programming? You can test your skills by learning some languages and completing hands-on projects. This portfolio will allow you to showcase your work. Get three courses free of charge from the 2021 Ultimate Learn to Code Training.You can choose from bundles that include three, five or ten courses. The base version includes three one-hour courses in CSS, jаvascript, and HTML with 52 lectures. These lessons are easy to follow and will teach you the fundamental skills needed to write your own code. After you've mastered the basics, you can explore the other bundles that correspond to the types of programs you are interested in.The five-course option, for example, focuses on game design and includes a focus on Unity and Python. You will not only learn about artificial intelligence and machine-learning with Python but also have the opportunity to put your skills to work by creating your very own Legend of Zelda or Portal clones.The bundles of 10 and 15 courses focus on web and app design. The ten-course bundle will teach you Java's use in Android and web development. Lessons also include data analysis and machine-learning. The 15-course bundle includes many of the same courses that the previous selection. It also contains courses that are more focused on data science with R and Matplotlib.The 25-course bundle combines all classes from the previous bundles. You have lifetime access to all materials and classes. This allows you to study at your own pace, learn new things, and then use it to create your own programs.Each version of The 2021 Ultimate Learn to Code Training is now on sale. Bundles include three, five, 10, 15, 15 and 10 courses, as well as 25 courses for $15.Prices are subject to change.