June 28, 2021, 2 minutes readThis article was translated using AI technology from the Spanish edition. This process may cause errors.A new method for detecting COVID-19 was developed by a group of Chilean scientists. The test is called a u naPCR test and screens your electronic devices. According to the study, it would yield a result that is 90% equivalent to a nasopharyngeal exam.This new method, known as PoST (Phone Screen Testing in English: Test of the Phone Screen), is less intrusive and would be cheaper.This new method is more effective for patients with high viral loads, as false positives are very common in low prevalence settings, according to the World Health Organization.What is the new procedure?Alejandra Lavanderos was one of the participants. She explained that the swab is placed on the screen of the phone instead of the nose, and it is then analyzed with a normalPCR to determine if there is any virus RNA.Rodrigo Yung (Chilean doctor) led the study at the Global University of London. It was also published by the British popular science magazine eLife.This may interest you: The restaurant offers 20 000 pesos per week for the taco stand, but still has no candidatesThe experiment involved approximately 1,200 participants. They performed a traditional PCR test as well as a PoST test. This allowed for the verification of the accuracy of the analysis. The procedure was also useful in identifying the "worrying", variants: Gamma, Alhpa and Delta. These variants have been a problem for the world because of their high contagion potential.Scientists will approve you if all requirements are met.via GIPHY