Donald Trump boarded Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland on December 12, 2020. Tom Brenner/ReutersA new book claims that Trump has never walked up the steps to the second floor at the West Wing offices.Michael Wolff stated that working on the second floor meant "a degree of exclusion, but also protection."In 2017, the Washington Post reported that Trump would not be able to climb these stairs.Check out more stories from Insider's business page.Because Donald Trump never walked up the stairs to reach the upper floors, the West Wing's second floor allowed his aides to avoid having to deal with him.Wolff stated that Trump's choice to work on the second floor, as Kellyanne Conway, Trump's advisor, and Stephen Miller did, "meant a degree exclusion but also protection" since Trump would not climb stairs (and he never did)A portion of Wolff's book, "Landslide": The Final Days Of the Trump Presidency was published in New York Magazine Monday. It sheds more light on Trump's confusion and his hollowed out circle of aides during the January 6th insurrection.Continue reading: Trump's relationship with Putin and Russia could help him avoid prosecution in the USAThe unlikely possibility that Trump would climb those stairs was first reported in January 2017 by The Washington Post, during the early days Trump's administration."Though Conway took the space previously occupied Valerie Jarrett's workspace, Obama's closest advisor, the confidant dismissedively predicted that Trump would seldom climb a flight stairs," The Post stated at the time.After Biden fell on the stairs of Air Force One in March, Trump made a rare defense of him. Trump supported Biden against critics that he was too old and compared Biden’s plane stumble with when he had difficulty walking down a ramp at West Point, June 2020.Trump said that he knows "if it were me, they'd be up and down, going insane," to Fox News' Sean Hannity. "I remember a time when I was on a slippery, slippery ramp with a piece steel and very steep railings. It was pouring at West Point. He said, "The last thing that I want to do it is go down because Gerald Ford was down and it wasn't good."Henry Holt & Co. will publish "Landslide", on July 27.Business Insider has the original article.