A national study has found that children who spend more time on screens between the ages of 9 and 10 are more likely to gain weight in the following year.The study published in Pediatric Obesity, June 28. It found that every additional hour spent watching or streaming television was associated with an increase in body mass index (BMI). This is a one-year result. Researchers found that every hour spent streaming or watching television, YouTube videos and video games led to an increase in the risk of weight gain one-year later. The study began with 33.7% of children being overweight or obese. This number increased to 35.5% one-year later. This is a percentage that is likely to increase in teens and early adults.BMI is calculated using height and weight. Researchers looked at the BMI z scores, which are relative weights adjusted for an individual's age and sexuality, from 11,066 preteens participating in the Adolescent brain cognitive development Study. This is the longest-running study of brain development in America. Children answered questions about how much time they spent on six screen media types, including texting, television, and social media.Screen time can replace physical activity and is often sedentary. Lead author Jason Nagata MD, assistant professor of Pediatrics at the University of California San Francisco, said that children are more likely to be exposed to food ads and to overeating and snacking while distracted by screens.Senior author Kyle T. Ganson PhD, assistant professor at University of Toronto's Factor Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, said that a negative body image and subsequent weight gain could be due to exposure to social media. "This study highlights the need to do more research into how screen time affects young people's well-being, both now and in the long-term."Nagata noted that although the study was done before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, its findings were particularly relevant to the current outbreak. "With remote learning and the cancellation of youth sports, social isolation, and youth sports cancelled, children have been exposed at unprecedented levels to screen time."While screen time can provide important benefits, such as education and socialization during a pandemic outbreak, parents need to reduce the risks associated with excessive screen time. This includes increased sedentary and decreased activity. Nagata said that parents should talk with their children regularly about screen time and create a family media usage plan.###Nagata JM, Iyer P, Chu J, Baker FC, Gabriel KP, Garber AK, Murray SB, Bibbins Domingo K, Ganson KT Screen time among children aged 9-10 years old is associated with a higher body mass percentile at the 1-year follow-up. This was a prospective cohort study. Pediatric Obesity. (In Press). https:// / doi. https:/ / doi. 1111/ ijpo. 12827Contacts for mediaJason M. Nagata MD, MScAssistant ProfessorDepartment of PediatricsUniversity of California, San Franciscojason.nagata@ucsf.eduKyle T. Ganson PhD, MSWAssistant ProfessorFaculty of Social Work Factor-InwentashUniversity of TorontoCell: 774 279 0009kyle.ganson@utoronto.caCredentialed journalists can request a full copy of this paper. Contact jason.nagata@ucsf.edu and kyle.ganson@utoronto.ca.