Kim appears to have lost significant weight in recent photos taken by state media. North Korean watchers suggested that Kim, who stands at 5' 8" tall and weighed 308 pounds previously, might have lost 22 to 44 pounds.Kim's health is the subject of intense outside attention. The 37-year-old leader hasn't publicly appointed a successor to oversee North Koreas nuclear arsenal, which targets the United States and its allies.Analysts in Seoul believe Kim went on a diet to improve health. Others speculate that Kim's weight loss could be due to health problems.Kim is known for his heavy drinking and smoking habits. He comes from a family that has had heart problems in the past. Both his grandfather and father, who ruled North Korea, died from heart problems.Kim has been calling for greater unity to end what he describes as the worst crisis in history. This is due to border closures related to pandemics, which have reduced North Korea's international trade and led to persistent U.S. sanctions. He also blames U.S.-led sanctions that have hampered North Korea from importing food.