My parents bought a robot vacuum and they are now happy to have it in their home. Although they were initially hesitant about this new technology, my parents were thrilled to give it a try and see how thorough it was. It can vacuum and mop your entire house, which is something my mom loves. It is magical.Promising review: "Pricey, but well worth it. My husband used a push-style sweeper to clean our hardwood floors four times per week. Although he tried hard, I felt that my feet were constantly picking up dirt. He was able to clean about 2,000 feet of our house in about an hour, with plenty of battery left. I feel my floors are cleaner than ever. Today, my floors are still clean. Although we thought that the bot would be run every day, I think every other day is enough. The app is great! This robot is amazing! We did all the research. We used normal power and suction alone. There is no need to use Max. Heather L StahlAmazon has it for only $349.99