Scenes from Galaxy Express 9999. Image courtesy of CrunchyrollLokis' third episode features Lamentis, an Asgardian prodigal trickster, and his interdimensional travel companion. They accidentally find themselves in the middle of an impending apocalypse with no clear escape route. Lucky for Lokis, none of the Lokis heroes were prepared to take part in this vehicle for salvation. However, these are the kinds of situations Lokis excelled in surviving in.AdvertisementEven with all the magicks they had, Sylvie and Loki were unable to escape Lamentis-1. They could only recharge a TemPad. This was impossible because power from the last space-ark that left the planet would be stolen. This was difficult given that neither Variant arrived at the Ark with tickets in hand. It was even more difficult when the Variants managed to sneak onto the train and get tossed off seconds later. They arrived at the Ark on foot just in the time it needed to be destroyed.From its emphasis on people competing for a place on a train to its moments in melancholic reflection, Lamentis shares a lot with some of the most compelling episodes of Leiji Maatsumotos Galaxy Express 9999a manga series. The story is about Tetsuro, a young boy, and Maetel, his guardian. They ride the locomotive. Although the stories of Loki and Galaxy Express 999 are very different, they share similar themes about what it means for a person to become self-actualized and be able to survive multiple apocalypses. The Galaxy Express 999 anime adaptations are a classic, but there is enough thematic resonance between them and Loki that it's worth revisiting (or even checking out for the first-time), especially after the cliffhanger Lamentis.Maetel and Tetsuro discover a train filled with dead passengers. Crunchyroll imagePart 1 and Part 2 of The Graveyard at Gravity: Part 1 & Part 2.Galaxy Express' main focus is on the 999 and its numerous stops, but that train isn't the only one featured in the series. The Conductor, Tetsuro and Maetel are pulled down with the rest of the train to the bottom of a mysterious gravity well. This is what happens when the 999 accidentally enters a dense gas pocket known as Solgaso. Solgaso hazards are well-known, but the inexplicable degradation of the 333 and the deaths of all its passengers is just one sign that something terrible and heartbreaking may be hiding in the gravity well.A fight between three formless forms. CrunchyrollNuruba, The Planet Without FormThe universe of Galaxy Express 999 can be so dangerous that some humans choose to end their lives by choosing to live on the planet Nuruba. Nuruba is home to shapeshifting sentient beings and it is also a safe place for them to secure machine bodies such as Tetsuro. Tetsuro's and Maetels' lives are in danger as the 999 trains stop on Nuruba. A pair of Nurubans, both young nurubans, attempt to escape the planet using their forms and places on the train.AdvertisementThe Cleaningless Committee processes Tetsuro & Maetel. Crunchyroll imageThe Kingdom of AtonementYou would think that the Conductor would be able to see that there is no safe place for him to stop the train, as often as the 999 is attacked. The stresses of his job make it clear why he would need to take a break at the Kingdom of Atonement. This resort-like planet takes its reputation very seriously. Although it is not the fault of the 999, when the Conductor is robbed and his cash stolen, the thought that someone from the Kingdom of Atonement was responsible for the incident is so frightening to the residents that they will do anything to ensure that the Conductor is kept in the dark.AdvertisementEmeraldes in her very first robe disguise. Image by CrunchyrollThe Pirate Ship Queen EmeraldesThe pirate queen Emeraldes, one of many bandits trying to bring down the 999, is the most successful and remembered. She is as ruthless and apathetic as she seems once she traps the 999 and drags its passengers to her planet. Her desire to steal Maetels body exemplifies how tragic most of Galaxy Express 999's criminals are.AdvertisementQueen Egoterina spots the Galaxy Express 9999. CrunchyrollThe Planet of Dimensional VoyageThe Galaxy Express is a chaotic, larger universe. Its core characters don't fully understand it until they meet queen Egoteria. She is the unhinged queen from a mysterious planet that shifts through dimensions and destroys other celestial bodies. Egoterias's initial appearance was full of grandeur, but she gradually becomes more grounded and humble in her villainy. This contrasts with her unique powers. Maetels' final fight with Egoteria includes some of Galaxy Express 999’s most exciting action sequences as well as its heart-wrenching lines about how villains can hurt people the way they do.AdvertisementIt was always the case that Tetsuro or Maetel were almost left behind by the train. There is little doubt that Loki, Sylvie will find a way to survive Lamentis-1’s apocalypse. The pair's plans are still unknown.Crunchyroll now streams Galaxy Express 999Are you curious about where our RSS feed went. The new one can be found here.