Joe was thinking about the metal credit card debate a while back. They just make my wallet more heavy, which I must admit is why I'm not a big fan. They are still a status symbol for some, but Im clearly still in the minority.However, metal credit cards are heavier than plastic ones. It can't be shredded with credit cards.What should you do if you need to get rid your metal credit card? There are several things you can do.It can be returned to the bankYou are always welcome to return your card to the bank if you live within a reasonable distance of the branch. To ensure that you follow their instructions, call them first.It can be destroyed by youWhile scissors will not work on metal cards, any tool that is designed to cut metal should be able to work. For example, tin snips. People have made the card unusable by using a drill on the chip, magnetic strip, and some of the numbers. The strip was also demagnetized by placing a fridge magnet on the strip for about an hour, and then wiping the magnet several times across the stripe. Sandpaper your name, too. Others have also used their handy blow torch (and I'm not denying that there are many people who do own blowtorches). When I was a child, Julia Child and my mom laughed at the fact that she had a blow torch for cooking.Keep it up!Although I joke about it, Citi advised me to follow their lead when my Citi Prestige metal card was stolen in the early 2019 and I sent them a tweet asking for help. They told me that I could keep the card safe for FOREVER!?!?! That was stupid.Send it back to the bankCiti's second recommendation was to do the same, and it made sense. This is what we did with the hacked card. Citi sent us a mailer to return the card after our tweet conversation.Picpedia.org Feature ImageYou want to comment on this article? That's great! This will help you to get it approved.Do you like this post? Share it! There are many more like it. We would love for you to stay and receive email notifications when we post. You might also like to join our Facebook Group. We have over 22,000 members. Here you can ask questions about travel, including Disney parks. We are glad you're here, no matter if you have read them before or if this is your first visit.This post was first published on Your Mileage May VaryTweet this: Share itFacebookPinterestSimilar to this: Loading...