Earth moves constantly. Earth is constantly moving as it revolves around the sun. It also spins on its own axis like a basketball at the tip of a finger.How fast does Earth move? Also, it is important to know how fast the Earth is rotating on its axis. You can also find out how fast the solar system orbits the Milky Way galaxy.Let's now look at the planet itself, since your head is spinning exactly like Earth. Earth rotates on its own axis approximately once per 24 hours. Or, more precisely, every 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 second. Earth's circumference measures 24,898 miles (40.070 km). If you divide that distance by the time, it means that the planet spins 1,037 mph (1,670 km/h).Related: What if Earth spun backwards?According to Ask an Astronomer, an online blog maintained by Cornell University in Ithaca (New York), Earth orbits the sun at 67,000 mph (110,000 km/h). Scientists have discovered that Earth orbits the sun at approximately 67,000 mph (110,000 km/h). This distance is divided by Earth's time to complete an orbit (around 365 days).Ask an Astronomer: How do you calculate Earth's distance from the sun? All scientists need is the circumference of the circle. The Earth is on average 93 million miles away from the sun (149.6 millions km). We also know it travels in circular orbit (although it's more elliptical but it's easier to use a circle for this equation). The radius of the circle is the distance between Earth and the sun. The equation 2*pi*radius is used to calculate the circle's circumference. This equals 2*3.14*93,000,000 miles. It is possible to calculate the orbital speed of the Earth's orbit after calculating its circumference, which is the distance Earth orbits the sun in one orbit.The solar system includes our sun, all the objects it orbits, and is moving. It's located within the Milky Way which orbits around its center. Based on observations of other stars and the Milky Way, scientists know that it orbits a galactic centre. Katie Mack, North Carolina State University theoretical astrophysicist, stated that this conclusion is confirmed by scientists. Stars far away may seem to be moving because the solar system's relative position is changing.Mack explained that this concept can be brought back to Earth by simply walking. "If I start to walk, I can see that I'm moving, because the buildings in front of me seem to be moving," Mack said. Mack said that if she looks out at something farther away, such as a mountain on a horizon, it moves slower, but still relative to her position.Scientists have discovered that the Milky Way's galactic centre orbits at approximately 447,000 mph (720,000 km/h) by studying the movements of other stars relative to the sun.There's also the whole Milky Way, pulled in different directions from other massive structures like other galaxies or galaxy clusters. Scientists can determine the speed at which the Milky Way moves through the universe by looking at the relative movements of other stars.Mack explained that even though everything moves all the time, living organisms don't feel it. This is why passengers on an airplane won't feel like they're zipping through the air at speeds of hundreds of miles per hour. Passengers feel the plane's acceleration when it lifts off. This is due to the plane's rapid speed change. The speed of the plane at cruising altitude is constant so passengers won't feel it.Because the passengers don't feel the speed, they are moving at the exact same speed, direction and velocity as the plane, it won't be felt by them. The relative motion of everyone on an airplane is not the same as that of the plane. Passengers can only see the surrounding landscape through the windows.Humans standing on the surface our planet don't feel Earth moving around the sun. They're also moving around the sun at the same time.Original publication on Live Science