LONDON U.K. Health Minister Matt Hancock resigned Saturday after admitting to breaking social distancing laws following photos of him kissing aides.Hancock wrote to Boris Johnson, Prime Minister, to say that the government owed it to those who had so much to fight this pandemic. He also said that they owed it to them to be open about what happened.After security camera images of Hancock kissing Gina Coladangelo (a non-executive director of Department of Health), were published by the Sun newspaper, Hancock was under pressure from members of his Conservative party and opposition leaders to resign. These photos were taken on May 6, when indoor gatherings of more than two people were prohibited.COVID-19 Bereaved Families for Justice had also called for his resignation.Hancock posted a short video on Twitter stating that he had seen the prime minister and asked him to resign his position as secretary of state for social and health care.These rules must be followed by those who made them, and I have to resign.Downing Street announced that Sajid Javid, the former Chancellor of Exchequer, will succeed Hancock. Javid is also a former home and business secretary. Johnson requested that he fire all his advisers last February.Johnson had publicly supported Hancock Friday and said that he was sorry he had resigned. Johnson replied to Hanock's resignation letter and said that he was proud of the accomplishments he had made in combating the pandemic as well as before COVID-19.Johnson also suggested that Hancock might return to the top office in the near future. Johnson expressed gratitude for Johnson's support, writing that he believes Hancock could return to high office at some point in the future.Keir Starmer, Labour leader, tweeted that Matt Hancock had the right to resign. Boris Johnson should have fired him.Hancock was a prominent member of the U.K government that dealt with the coronavirus crisis. He had previously condemned other public figures who broke rules to combat the pandemic.This article has been revised.