Promising review: We have a 75-pound, 28-inch tall, goldendoodle with curly, long hair, large paws and a new yard that is 95% sand. Ineffectively wiping his paws and spending my time cleaning up all the sand he brought in and deposits on the hard floors has been the norm for the past three months. After hearing my complaints, our new veterinarian recommended that I purchase this product as she uses it with her dogs. It was my first use and I was hooked! It is similar to a large water jug you can buy at a convenience shop, but with a fitted insert that covers your legs and paws. To test it out, I put my hand inside with my children's. The bristles inside are soft and won't hurt sensitive paw pads. It was difficult to get my hand out of the rubber top. This reminded me of the scene from Where The Red Fern Grows where the raccoon gets its hand stuck in the log because it can't release a shiny piece tin. But it's useful in getting some water off furry paws. It took us only a few minutes to show our dog what we were doing. He is used to having his feet touched many times per day. This product might not work for dogs who are twitchy, jumpy or don't like to have their paws touched. HeatherAmazon has it for $17.98+. Available in small- to large paws, and in four colors.