Tour de France riders are prepared for many challenges before the multi-stage race. However, none of them were prepared for a sign-waving spectator who stepped a little too far onto the road.A fan, wearing a yellow jacket, and holding a cardboard sign, caused a dangerous pileup of cyclists on Saturday during the first stage. According to AFP, Tony Martin, a German rider, collided with the sign of the woman. The sign was extended into the road. Martin lost his balance and fell to the ground, triggering a series of horrific cycling accidents.Photos and video footage capture the massive fan-caused crash. They also show the heartbreaking aftermath that cyclers endured as they tried to get past the pileup.According to AFP, though many spectators and cyclists were hurt in the crash, Jasha Sutterlin, DSM's German rider, had to withdraw from the race. According to reports, the woman responsible for the crash fled the scene. The Tour de France intends to sue her.Pierre-Yves Thouault, Tour deputy director, said to AFP that he was suing the woman for her behavior."We do this so that those who do it don't ruin the show for everyone."