Delta Air Lines just released their new safety video. It is completely unremarkable except for one thing.Safety video for Deltas coronavirusWhile Delta has produced some interesting safety videos in the past (though the Atlanta-based carrier's newest video is a bit boring), it has done some great ones in the recent. It is interesting because everyone is wearing masks and safety announcements about masks are included in the video.The video is available here for viewing.frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer, clipboard-write; encrypted media; gyroscope and picture-in-picture; autoplay; clipboard; accelerometer; frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer," allowfullscreen>While we have seen other airlines create new safety videos during the pandemics, they almost always didn't reflect the times and the people in them weren't masks. We don't know how long the current regulations will be in effect, so that is fair.Delta is the only airline that has a safety video that fully conforms to coronavirus regulations. Many airlines have shown their safety videos. Then, there is an announcement about mask regulations. This includes how to remove your face mask before you put on your oxygen mask. This video explains everything.What a strange timing for a Delta safety video!It is surprising to me that Delta released this safety video 15 months after the pandemic. The federal transportation mask mandate remains in effect until September. It is possible that we will see the regulations for airplane masks loosening in just two months. This makes the timing of events interesting.While I understand the desire to show customers and employees wearing masks correctly, a safety video might be a better option. It is easier to understand someone's words when you can see their lips moving.I am curious if the new video will be shown for the entire duration of the mask mandate or if there are other versions that were shot so that the video can be easily edited to reflect changes in the situation.Bottom lineDelta just released their latest safety video. This is the first airline I know of that has a safety video where everyone wears masks. Although I find this to be a good idea in general, it seems odd that the video was released at a time when masks were no longer required on planes.What do you think of Delta's safety video?