This is a very bad news story for Boeing and airlines as well as for consumers who had been anticipating the introduction of new cabins on the 777X.The basics of the Boeing 777XThe Boeing 777X, Boeing's newest version is the 777. The plane will be available in two versions, the 777-8 or 777-9. They have a longer range and are larger than the existing 777s.This will be the most significant new aircraft that we see in the next decade, as there is no market for planes such as the A380 or 747-8. Although the plane was originally scheduled to begin deliveries in 2020, they have been delayed until 2023. The situation is even worse.The Boeing 777-9Boeing 777X is involved in serious flight test incidentDominic Gates of The Seattle Times reports major concerns about the Boeing 777X. These new concerns are pushing certification out to late 2023. This means that deliveries will start in 2024.The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), sent a letter on May 13, 2021 to Boeing, stating that there may be more test flights for the 777X, since the plane is still two years away from certification.The FAA raised a number of concerns about the December 8, 2020 test flight. The plane suffered an uncommanded pitch event. This means that the nose of the aircraft tilted upwards or downwards without pilot input.After the 737 MAX disaster, the FAA was under greater scrutiny. The FAA was accused of being too close to Boeing. The FAA is likely to be more vigilant this time, particularly since the plane was allegedly involved in a pitch event on a test flight. This sounds very similar to what happened with the 737 MAX.The letter stated that the technical data necessary for type certification have not been completed to the point where the type design of the aircraft can be considered mature enough to comply with the applicable regulations.A source from the FAA is also quoted. He stated that there's a general feeling among people that Boeing has lost a step. This refers to Boeings past reputation for excellence and that they can no longer say to the FAA "trust us."Many airlines rely on the Boeing 777XThis is not a good idea.The 777X is the worst case scenario. It seems that we shouldn't expect delivery of the first plane until 2024. This is quite shocking when you consider the fact that the original plan was to deliver the first plane in 2020 in 2019. It isn't great to suffer a delay of four years in just a little over a year.The FAA should be more vigilant with the 777X after the 737 MAX issues. This is especially true given the pitch incident that occurred on a test flight in late 2013.Boeing's reputation has suffered greatly over the last few years. Not just the 737 MAX issues as such. It's also everything that has happened to the company's corporate culture. There are now 777X issues.This doesn't take into account the fact that Boeings product line is no longer competitive. Airbus has the A321XLR in flight by 2023 and Boeing doesn't have a competitor.Although the delays in 777X are a problem for airlines on the surface, I wonder if the continued delays could allow some airlines to cancel their orders due to the changes in the industry. Boeing already has seen significant 777X order cancellations and deferrals.Lufthansa's new business class was to be launched on the 777XBottom lineThere are allegedly several issues with the certification of the Boeing 777X. Not least, a pitch accident that occurred during a test flight in 2020. It will likely take well over two years for the plane to become certified. This means that the plane will not enter service until early 2024.What do you think of the latest Boeing 777X issues