Mit der Gulf Air Business von Athen bis Zypern2021 scheint in Europa die Ra der 5th Freedom Strecken anzu sein. Singapore Airlines - Kopenhagen Rom - Eine neue Singapore 5th Freedom Route fr Europa: Kopenhagen RomGulf Air bis Ende September führt einen Zwischenstopp in Larnaka durch. Extra tickets will be sold for all parts. Business is 2-2, but not Fully-Flat. Geflogen werden am Freitag und Sonntag.Die InfosGulf Air, the Kingdom of Bahrain's national carrier, has announced the launch of point-to-point flights beyond the hub at Bahrain International Airport. This will allow the airline to expand its services and reach new markets. Gulf Air opened flights between Athens, Larnaca and Rome, allowing passengers to purchase tickets and travel between the two cities. It also launched flights between Bangkok, Singapore and Larnaca where passengers could purchase tickets to fly between the Far Eastern capitals. These flights can be booked online and tickets sold through the travel agencies of these cities.