Our reviews are based upon extensive research and industry experience, as well as hands-on testing whenever possible. We receive a small percentage of any sales made through one of our inappropriately selected links. This helps Jeffsetter keep the site running. Read more.You may be interested in knowing if your camper has a VIN number. This is for insurance purposes, personal records, or research about the year of your travel caravan. It makes sense for campers to have their own VIN numbers, just like cars.Do campers have VIN numbers, then? They do. Each camper and travel trailer has its own VIN number, so no two are the same. Manufacturers must include them.What exactly are VIN numbers and why campers need them? What are the best places to find your VIN number for your travel trailer? Let's get into the details about VIN numbers.What are VIN numbers?Let's first discuss what a VIN number actually is. Your vehicle identification number (VIN) is what your camper is.VIN numbers are vital for both the vehicle owner and the manufacturer. These unique numbers are specific to one camper and allow the owner or insurer to check the camper's history.This history may include information about the campers odometer and any repairs it has had in the past. It can also include information about an accident or collision history. This number is crucial for recalling all information. It is especially important if you are buying a used RV.VIN numbers usually have 17 characters and can include both numbers and letters. Learn more about the meaning of all these characters below. They are not just random numbers and letters.Is VINs the same as serial numbers?A VIN number may seem similar to a serial number, in that it is important to you and your vehicle. Although it might seem odd, these numbers are not identical. You can find serial numbers inside your VIN number.Vin numbers consist of 17 characters. The last six characters of that number make up your serial. If you want to find your serial number, you only need to keep track your VIN number.You may not have a VIN number if you own an older rig, like mine. VIN numbers weren't mandatory until 1980. My 1976 Fleetwood Terry didn't make it!But, I do know my serial number, which is the VIN number of my vintage rigs. It is an unique identification number. These records could go back as far as the future!What RV Types have VIN Numbers?You may be surprised to learn that virtually all RVs have VIN numbers. These numbers are required for all road-approved vehicles, even RVs. It makes sense that all RVs should have VIN numbers.CampervansTeardrop trailersFifth-wheel trailersMotorhomes of the Class A classMotorhomes of the Class B classMotorhomes of the Class C classTent trailers for pop-up campingYou can also include any other campers.Most motorhomes have two serial numbers or VIN numbers. This depends on the year and manufacturer. This is because the frame may have been built and warrantied by another company. However, this should not be an issue with camper VIN numbers.What is the best way to find my Campers VIN number?It is vital to know your campers VIN number, but it is not necessary to memorize it. Your campers VIN number will likely be located on your vehicle's title or on your rig. This way you can always find it in case it gets lost.If you want to check on any accidents or repairs that have occurred in the past, it is essential that you know your campers VIN number. This number is important if you want to insure your RV and get your title reissued if it is lost.The VIN is a record of any camper you have used. It will include both standard and non-standard maintenance. You will be able to see if your RV was ever stolen or damaged by hail or fire. It is also a great resource to check out recall information and warranty claims.You can easily find any information recorded with your VIN number. If you're buying an RV used from a dealer, the DMV can help. Although these sites are free, some may charge fees. If you pay, however, you might get a more detailed report.Knowing your VIN number is a great way to be confident about purchasing an RV. Check the VIN number before you make a decision on buying an RV. Also, check for unreported claims or accidents. Private sellers and dealers may not give you all the information necessary to purchase an RV.You may have to apply for a new VIN from the DMV if you don't know your campers VIN. If you want to purchase a used vehicle or take it into your possession, this can be a complicated process that could cost you some money.It is crucial to find your VIN number before you buy or sell any RVs. Let's look at some possible locations for your VIN number.Is my Campers VIN number located?Because no two RVs are alike, the location of your campers VIN numbers can sometimes be just as unique as the RV itself. The number can be either outside or inside, depending on age, wear and tear and the manufacturer of your RV.These are the most common locations where your VIN number might be found.The trailer's tongue. This location is especially common for campers. It may be difficult to see due to wear and tear.You will find the propane tanks under the campers frame. This area is also susceptible to wear and tear. Your VIN number could be lost.Keep the trailer tongue away from the frame rail. It is also an unprotected area for a VIN number, since many campers repaint their frames. Sun damage is also common.Although it may not be convenient, your VIN might be in a wheel well. This will hopefully mean your VIN is protected. However, it could be harder to access and may be covered by fixtures.The VIN number could be hidden in your RV's bathroom or kitchen cabinet. This cabinet can be used to store important information about your RV, such as the weight and any necessary towing information.An informational plaque should be placed on the exterior of your vehicle. This is where I can find my serial number as well as important information regarding towing for my vintage camper. Although it may seem odd, the plaques have the information etched in metal. This makes it less likely to be removed than stickers or labels. It is visible from the outside, which shows that it is old.You can store it in one of your outdoor storage boxes. This is a good choice to place a VIN number sticker. It will be protected from the elements, and should be easily visible once you open the compartment doors. It should be visible from the inside of the compartment door or on the walls surrounding it.The main door frame. This is right next to my vintage serial number. This should be clearly visible on a label or plaque. If you have a hot water heater compartment, it is worth checking near it.Although it might seem odd, the most popular location for your VIN number is under your kitchen sink. It keeps your number safe from the elements and ensures that you can easily find it again.You can find it in a heater compartment or closet. You have many options. If you run out, check every compartment inside your camper.If you find strange places for VIN numbers, please let me know by commenting! Although RVs attempt to locate some items universally, the necessary number is often located wherever the manufacturer desires it to. It's just one of those things, I suppose!What do all these numbers and letters mean?Your VIN number contains certain characters, as I have mentioned before. It's not just a collection of random numbers and letters. Let's look at what each character means!The first three characters are the World Manufacturer Index (WMI). The first symbol will indicate the location of the vehicle, while the second and third symbols will identify the manufacturer.The following is the Manufacturer Specification Data. The characters four through eight represent the trailers model series, engines (though your camper won't have one), and body types.The U.S. Department of Transportation offers a "Check Digit" which is an authentication digit that confirms the VIN number's authenticity. This will be located in the ninth slotThe tenth character is how you will figure out your rig's Model Year. It is only one character worth of content so you'll need to use another table to find your model year.The eleventh character will list the location of the vehicle's construction. It is your Manufacturers Information.The vehicle serial number is composed of the last six characters. This number may be the only number that you have for any rig dating before 1980.Although you don't have to be able to identify every VIN, it can be fun to learn about your camper.I have a vintage camper. What about my VIN number?I've personally dealt with vintage campers VIN numbers. From beginning to end, vintage campers are a labour of love. This love extends to DMV paperwork, making sure your campers can be located and important numerical information!A VIN number is not required for campers that were built before 1980. However, a serial number is required for the DMV to take your vehicle off-line. The DMV will create a VIN for your vehicle with the serial number, but sometimes the serial number suffices.A vehicle title is a great way to buy or sell a vintage camper. This document will contain your VIN number and serial number so you don't have to search for it on your vintage camper.This is not an ideal world. Vintage campers are often too old to have serial numbers or VINs. Wear and tear, modern modifications and other factors may conceal serial numbers. It gets more difficult the older your rig is.If you are unable to locate any numbers on your trailer, the DMV can provide a new VIN number. It is quite common for vintage rigs to lose their serial numbers due to wear and tear. Although you may be certain of the exact location, it might have been lost or worn to the point that it is no longer legible.You can have your camper's identification numbers assigned by the DMV. It may take extra effort and love just like your vintage rig.ConclusionA VIN number is required identification for all vehicles, even campers. It is important to know the VIN number of any RV before you go on the road.You should always check the accident or repair records for your camper to ensure your safety. This is possible only with your camper's unique VIN number.