It is absurd to keep the U.S. Canada border open. Both the infection rates and vaccination rates are similar across both sides of border. Both sides have variants of the disease, and the restrictions were not tight enough to stop them. The border was not closed because the government wanted to signal it is doing something (fears of foreigners plays in here), and bureaucratic inertia.There is some hope and the possibility that the border will be reopened on July 21.Canada's Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has stated that he will not allow the border to reopen until 75% of the country's population is vaccinated. They have vaccinated more than 75% of eligible people, and they need to do so now in order to compensate for the children who are not eligible.Trudeau states that he expects border reopenings in weeks, not months. Therefore, it is likely that the U.S. border would be the first to be opened (given lower infection rates and high vaccination rates).The Premiers of Ontario and Quebec had been pressing the government to tighten restrictions, but their calls were muted.Although technically the closure is mutual, the U.S. agrees to it because they don't want to be perceived as weak and need to use their own closure to leverage Canada into opening. The U.S. does not fear Canada's border and will open it when Canada is ready.All of this means that there is a possibility that the border may not be extended. It's not necessary, but it is because of a lack of political courage. Point Roberts, Washington would be much more comfortable.