Representative Image (Source : ShutterstockCovishield, which is domestically manufactured, has been removed from the anti-COVID-19 jabs eligible for the European Union's (EU's) 'Green Pass.The Green Pass, available starting July 1, will allow for unlimited movement within all EU member countries for business or tourism purposes. All those who have been vaccinated with vaccines approved by the European Medicines Agency would be eligible for the pass.Four vaccines have been cleared by the EMA so far: Moderna (Pfizer/BioNTech), Comirnaty, Vaxzervria(AstraZeneca), Janssen and Johnson.Now you can add passport details on COVID vaccination certificate via CoWin app: here's how to do itGreen Pass is only available for the Vaxzervia vaccine, which was manufactured in the UK. The list does not include the Covishield version of AstraZeneca from Pune-based Serum Institute of India.COVID-19 Vaccine Commonly Asked Questions View More How does a vaccine function? The vaccine mimics a natural infection. A vaccine induces an immune response that protects people against future COVID-19 infections. It also builds herd immunity quickly to end the pandemic. A vaccine induces immunity in a sufficient number of people to prevent the spread of a disease. Good news is that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was relatively stable which makes it more likely that a vaccine will be developed. There are many vaccines. There are four main types of vaccines. One is a vaccine that is based on the entire virus. Two is a vaccine that uses a benign viral vector to carry the antigen of SARS.CoV. Three are nucleic-acid vaccines with genetic material such as DNA and RNA of antigens, which can be given to people, helping them decode genetic material and create the vaccine. Four, the protein subunit vaccine, where the recombinant protein of SARS.COV-2 and an adjuvant (booster, along with a booster (booster) are given as a subunit. How long does it take for a vaccine to be developed? The process of developing a vaccine is complex and long. Vaccines are not given to patients with a specific disease, but are administered to healthy people as well as to vulnerable groups such children and pregnant women. It is mandatory to undergo rigorous testing. Although five years is the fastest time to develop a vaccine, it often takes twice as long or more. See moreHowever, some EU member states can modify the rules to allow entry for individuals vaccinated using non-EMA approved jabs. Iceland has granted entry to those who have been vaccinated using any of the jabs that are approved by the EMA or the World Health Organisation (WHO), including Covishield.France, however, clarified that they would allow easy entry only for those who have been vaccinated using EMA-approved vaccines and not the vaccines made in India or Russia.Notably, India's Covishield is being used and Russia's Sputnik V for mass vaccination drives. This is not just in these two countries but also in a variety of low-income countries that have both received the vaccines under WHO COVAX distribution network.