Michael Gove's wife Sarah Vine speaks of the 'pressures' on political marriages

Ms Vine is a journalist for newspapers and has been married to Gove since 20 years. - Paul GroverSarah Vine spoke out about the challenges of maintaining a political marriage after revelations about Matt Hancock’s affair with his assistant.Michael Gove's wife was a journalist and wrote in Sunday's Mail column: "Climbing that high up Westminsters grease pole changes a man. When someone is changing, they need to have something new from their partner."Namely, someone who is both a courtesan and a companion, who understands their brilliance, and who, most importantly, is invested in it personally."Not someone who believes it all is a huge nuisance and wishes they could get a real job that doesn't involve people poking at your face and commenting about your poor footwear choice."Ms Vine (54), who has been married for 20 years to Mr Gove, a Cabinet Office Minister, said that while Mr Hancock's behavior may seem shocking, it is completely predictable given the context.Ms Vine (pictured) also praised Samantha Cameron because she forced David to go on "date night" with her back when they lived together in Downing Street. - JULIAN SIMMONDSShe cited David Cameron, former Prime Minister, as the most "unique" of all the top politicians she'd ever met for "carving time for his family".Ms Vine also gave praise to Samantha Cameron for forcing David on "date nights", when they lived together in Downing Street, between 2010 and 2016, and for making sure he didn't forget his "obligation" towards her and the children.Ms Vine refers to both Mr Hancock as well as former Chancellor George Osborne, who divorced their wives and began relationships with ministers they had previously worked with.She wrote, "Both Frances Osborne and Martha are intelligent, beautiful women. You might wonder why they would be thrown over. The answer is quite simple, I believe.These women are more or less the same woman they were before they got married. Their 'politician men" are different.Ms Vine's column on full page featured a photo of Martha Hancock, Mr Hancock's estranged spouse, kissing him on election night. It was headlined: "The problem is with the wife that's been there forever is that you don't seem to be the Master of all the Universe she purports to be."