Britney Spears addressed a Los Angeles court this week. This is only her second public address on the controversial conservatorship that has been in place since 2008. Although her statements shocked fans, it remains to be seen if the judge will take note of her troubling claims.When asked what impact the emotional nature Spears' testimony might have on Amanda Bynes' conservatorship case, Tamar Arminak (California-based) said Sunday TODAY that she does not know if it will sway the judge. She worked with Amanda Bynes and her parents in California.Arminak said that "It was probably the most painful moment, listening to her voice because she basically stated that she has built an empire... and that these were, she feels like, her jailers who are living off her money."Related: Britney Spears has been freed from conservatorship by more than 134,000 people.After Spears' 2008 public breakdown, the singer was placed in conservatorship. This is a legal arrangement where a court determines that an individual cannot make their own decisions. Jamie Spears, Spears' father was given control over her financial assets and estate. He also has an attorney and is responsible for his daughter's daily needs.According to NBC News Erin McLaughlin, legal experts say it is extremely difficult to end a conservatorship within the state of California. A conservatorship is often triggered by an underlying condition, such as dementia. However, it is not clear what caused Spears' conservatorship.Sam Ingham, Spears' attorney, has not filed a petition to end conservatorship. He said Wednesday to the court that his client hadn't asked him to file a motion to end the conservatorship, but he would have if she had directed him.Continue the storySpears testified Wednesday that she did not know she could challenge the conservatorship. She also said that she does not believe that she should be evaluated to determine if the conservatorship is still necessary. Spears also claimed that her conservators prevented her from removing her IUD. She said that her father forced her to take lithium, a mood stabilizer when she complained.The petition was filed by the lawyers of Jamie Spears to resign his position as conservator earlier this year. Vivian Thoreen, Jamie Spears’ attorney, addressed the court Wednesday. She said that her client was "sorry" to see her daughter in such pain and suffering. Mr. Spears misses his daughter very much and loves her.Related: Asghari stated that he is "looking forward to an amazing, normal future together" with fans rallying around Spears as she continues to be under controversial conservatorship.The fact that her petition to end conservatorship has not been filed will delay the process of possibly ending it because the pop star will need to wait for another hearing before a judge can rule on it. According to Variety, Sarah J. Wentz, a lawyer who specializes in conservatorships, Sarah J. Wentz said that the celebrity will likely testify again and will need to wait until another hearing before the judge can rule on it.Wentz stated that there is no way to quickly rule unless the conservators agree together that it is time to end. "If they contest it it will basically be an appeal where each side presents evidence to support its need or not. This can be a lengthy process.She said that these trials can last years and that this case would likely need a lot of depositions.Wentz stated that while it will be difficult to prove certain things she says, there may be caregivers who saw a lot of this stuff and could confirm her statements." "If a termination petition is filed and it is rejected, I believe this will be a lengthy, drawn-out fight because there are many witnesses who would like to depose for evidence. This has been going on for 13 years.