After his honorable discharge from U.S. Marines in June 1983, Jim Ross waited for an offer from Arlington Police Department to work. The 1983 Texas job market was much better than that of his hometown, Detroit.Ross was drawn to Arlington by the people he met at his law office, which overlooks the entertainment district.He said that they just stand beside you, they stand behind you, and they fight for the community. They are there for one another like there's no tomorrow. This city was most loved by the people.Ross was able to find support from Arlington's big names, as well people who could relate and understand his struggles. After decades of involvement in Arlington, Ross will assume the role of mayor. His involvement includes his years as a police officer and the formation of the first training academy. He also helped to establish the Texas Rangers' official partner law group.Ross stated that he has spent decades learning new skills and trades, and will apply the same approach as a public servant.Ross stated that I often tell people we have a blue collar attitude and a job with a white collar title.I can do better than thisRoss selected Arlington over other North Texas cities in 1983. Ross said that he enjoyed all the activities during his 13-year tenure with the police department.He was a member of the first SWAT team in the city and worked with the Drug Enforcement Agency to investigate illegal narcotics trading. He was puzzled by the reason the agency sent their trainees to police academys. He helped establish Arlington's and was the coordinator for the first two academy classes.Ross stated that he always wants to find a better, more cost-effective, or a way to streamline things.Continue the storyRoss said he is always looking for better and bigger ways to do things. Ross, 36, left the military to enroll in law school. He had spent years watching lawyers work and testify on the job. Ross received his Texas Wesleyan juris doctorate in 28 months, which is half the time it takes for most law schools to complete.Just recently, I recalled watching lawyers at trial saying, "I can do that." Ross said that he can do more than that.His first few years were spent working on cases all over the country. He was most notable for his work with Erin Brockovich, an environmental activist. He opened his own law firm in 2009. Jim Ross Law Group has offices in Arlington and Fort Worth, as well as 30 employees.Ross was offered another opportunity to do something better when Cacharel, the French restaurant in Arlington that had been operating since 1987, abruptly shut down in 2017.Zack Moutaouakil was his friend and he had been laughing about the possibility of opening a restaurant here. Ross convinced Moutaouakil (who has owned Mercury Chophouse downtown Fort Worth since 2008) to open a steakhouse on the top floor overlooking the city.Jeff Williams, the outgoing mayor, said that he admires Ross for taking the chance to open the restaurant.Williams stated in a telephone interview that it has been a great location to help sell the city, and for citizens to be able celebrate their anniversaries and birthdays.Ross purchased Moutaouakil in 2020. He said that the business has remained strong throughout the pandemic.He said that our restaurant was just blowing and going.Jacobson stated that Ross was also an active member of the Greater Arlington Chamber of Commerce since Michael Jacobson served as its CEO.Jim said that everyone knows Jim, regardless of whether you are a general member or if your largest donor.Ross, the candidate and mayor-electRoss initially laughed off the idea of running for mayor. However, a friend suggested the possibility during a fundraiser. Ross was worried about the future of Williams' work as a mayor and council member.Ross stated that I was worried that all that effort would be wasted if someone didn't have a similar vision to mine and could help us continue our journey to the next level.Ross friend took a swig of his beer.Ross recalled that he looked at me and said, "Well, you're going to be mayor."After term limits were approved at the polls, the comment was a constant consideration. Williams began his third term. Ross didn't see anyone he could vote for in the mayor's race so he entered it with the blessings of his children.Ross said that all four men said "No, we are behind you" without a shred of hesitation.Williams was also there, along with several Arlington elites and other notable groups. Ross spent much time discussing Williams' work and trying to show that he wasn't a carbon copy.Ross stated that he was just as proud of his blue-collar and hard times on the campaign trail than he is in real life.He said that it is not like the typical family here. It's been difficult, it's been fun, and it has been rewarding. I believe all those life experiences come into play when you start to draw from what you need to be mayor of Arlington.His campaign received support from both conservative groups and all four local police associations as well as the firefighters union. Ross stated that his supporters represent a wide range of political ideologies.Jacobson stated that Ross's propensity for building trust and relationships will be a great asset to him in his role as mayor.Jim said, "You know where Jim stands." He is very open and has developed amazing relationships.The chamber of commerce doesn't endorse candidates.Ross spent the day with council members and city employees since his June 5 victory meeting. Ross said that he will be absorbing information about issues and procedures in the city like a lawyer.Ross stated that he will continue to work hard and do the right thing, just like he did in his other jobs, projects, and proposals.Ross stated that he believes in resilience. Ross said that if something comes up, it's like "You cant do that." But we were going to find a way, and we've been very lucky in that regard.