MADISON (Wis.) - Wednesday's Wisconsin state Senate sent a questionable bill to the Governor. Tony Evers is trying to stop federal gun laws from being implemented in Wisconsin.Evers, a Democrat is unlikely to sign gun legislation and has voiced reservations about redistricting legislation.On a voice vote, the Senate approved Assembly Bill 293 It's intended to exempt firearms from federal gun regulations and laws in Wisconsin. Similar measures were found inconstitutional by other states, as state laws cannot override federal ones.According to lawyers who are not partisan, the Legislature would prohibit Wisconsin law enforcement officers from confiscating guns from people convicted of misdemeanor domestic abuse offenses if the legislation is signed into law. This is because the law in Wisconsin does not correspond with any federal law that allows guns to be taken from these offenders.More: Biden targets illegal firearms and rogue dealers as a new crime strategy, as gun violence risesThis legislation is part a larger national response by Republicans to counter any gun legislation that Democrats in Congress or President Joe Biden might impose. The Wisconsin legislation would specifically prohibit laws restricting gun or ammunition sales and require the seizure or confiscation of weapons.Backers claim that the Wisconsin bill will make Wisconsin a "Second Amendment Sanctuary."A bill would require that guns made in Wisconsin be stamped with the "Made in Wisconsin” logo.More: ATF should crackdown on gun dealers who pose a threat to public safety, according to USA TODAY/The Trace investigationThe Assembly passed it this month, and the next one goes to Evers. Governor Evers has advocated for greater oversight of guns. He argued that the state should conduct background checks on all gun purchases, and that police should temporarily seize weapons from people deemed to be a threat.The Wisconsin Senate's action came on the same day as President Joe Biden launched an anti-crime strategy to combat rising gun violence.Continue the storyBiden, in a speech at the White House, announced a "zero tolerance policy" for rogue guns dealers and a new focus of the Justice Department to combat illegal firearms sales.Patrick Marley can be reached at patrick.marley@jrn.com. Follow him @patrickdmarley on Twitter.Joey Garrison contributed.This article first appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Wisconsin Senate approves '2nd Amendment Sanctuary' legislation