Today, if you sift through any article on the web, you will come across astonishing facts about your favorite superstar. Having that said, it should be no surprise that several high profile personalities from Hollywood have been accused of the most shocking crimes across the globe. Here, we will guide you through a list of the most notorious Hollywood celebrities.
1.Johnny DeppIf you have heard about the allegations against Johnny Depp by his ex-wife, you must have been shocked. Heard cited physical and verbal abuse when they both were in a marriage. No wonder their marriage went through a long rough patch that gained massive media attention. Shortly after she accused Depp of harassing her, she was given the restraining order and moved on with her assets. Although Johnny Depp maintained silence for a while, he faced massive criticism from the media and fans for not apologizing for so long.
2.Mark WahlbergThe 49-year-old heartthrob's violence history is something that is often brought in the limelight. Go through the web, and you will find out stories about Wahlberg hitting school children and being a racist bully. After he was accused of chanting racist slogans on the munchkins, he came across a Vietnamese man punched in the eye and permanently lost vision. At the age of 16, the legendary actor was imprisoned for 90 days. Although he has managed to grab massive eyeballs from across the globe, Wahlberg is often hounded on the basis of his past.
3.O.J, SimpsonIf you have seen Keeping up with the Kardashians, you must have heard about O.J.Simpson being the center of attention in several episodes. On our list, perhaps the most high profile criminal is O.J.Simpson because he was convicted with the murder of his wife and her friend. This case gained massive media attention in the 90s when Robert Kardashian decided to give his voice. However, this is not the end of the story. O.J was accused of kidnapping and possessing arms in 2008. This was when he was sentenced to 33 years in prison.
4.T.IWhenever there’s an article talking about the worst crimes committed by stars, T.I is often discussed by people. He was charged with manufacturing and supplying cocaine back in the 90s. Unfortunately, he was also accused of possessing arms and weapons in 2007. However, this doesn’t end here. He was also accused of having controlled substances in 2010. This conviction affected him to a great extent, but he managed to get help from
injury lawyer and top-notch criminal lawyers citing emotional damage along with a wrongful conviction.
5.Bill CosbyHe is one of the most talked-about stars globally because of his audacity to talk about tons of criminal charges. He is currently serving under the civil suits and sexual assault case. When Hollywood decided to begin the iconic me to movement, several women stepped forward to take his name and let the world know about sexual misconduct. Although it sounds shocking, he was also accused of rape and physical assault by dozens of women.