Jerry Falwell Jr. has been the king of hypocrisy, presiding over a Christian "university" (actually, a profit-making real estate scheme) that imposes absurdly restrictive moral standards on its students, while romping about in a hedonistic life style, he and his wife indulging in all kinds of sexy escapades. Pick one or the other, guy!
It's all over now. Falwell finally gets the axe.
Jerry Falwell Jr. has agreed to resign as president of Liberty University on Monday, according to a school official. The move came after a series of personal scandals rocked the evangelical university he has led since 2007.
Opposition to his presidency had been growing but came to a dramatic head after two new reports about a young man Falwell and his wife befriended at a Florida pool, went into business with and who allegedly was sexually connected to the couple. One report painted Falwell as the victim of an obsessive affair; the other as an eager participant manipulating a naive young man.
I'm sure a cushy deal was struck to get his slimy head out of the all-important money-making enterprise, and he won't be suffering at all. Now the real fun can begin!