A 24 year old man crashed his car through a perimeter gate at the Portland airport on Sunday. His wife and two children were in the vehicle with him.

An airport employee flagged them down - literally, waiving a white cloth as a flag - and police responded to the scene. The driver explained that they were being "chased by several trucks and they had crashed through the airport fence to escape."

The trucks must have been invisible and followed the man onto the taxiway, because right in front of the officers the driver got back into his car - grabbing one of his kids, and putting them on his lap - and sped off. According to the police report, the "[t]wo officers jumped out of the way to avoid being run over." The man drove right under the wing of a taxiing flight.

The pilot of a commercial airliner was forced to stop on the taxiway at Portland International Airport (PDX) on Sunday after a car drove underneath its wing. Port of Portland police chased the driver and arrested him at gunpoint.

...Investigators said the driver took off down an active taxiway, forcing a commercial airliner to stop as the sedan went under its wing. No one was hurt.

The driver eventually stopped near the airport's new E gates, where he was taken into custody.

Incident at PDX on Sunday night. Police say man & woman (with two kids in the car) crashed through fence onto airfield. After being stopped, man got back into car with (one child) and drove off "forcing a commercial airliner to stop as the vehicle traveled underneath its wing." pic.twitter.com/vSwiII8Wav

- Kyle Iboshi (@KyleIboshi) August 18, 2020

The man was charged with "criminal mischief, assaulting a police officer and attempting to elude." He has no criminal record or "history of drug, alcohol or mental health issues." The rest of the man's family were released without charges.

Perhaps thinking this could have been some kind of X-File, airport police reviewed video footage looking for any other vehicles that might have been chasing the car onto the airport. None were found.

(HT: @ValueTravelerOz)
