Presidential campaigns traditionally have planes. But this year Joe Biden is going without one since he won't leave his basement won't be traveling much for in-person events during the pandemic.
John McCain's 2008 campaign flew a Boeing 737, the "Straight Talk Express," while Sarah Palin was relegated to a regional jet (a JetBlue Embraer ERJ-190). Mitt Romney raffled off time on his campaign jet as a fundraiser. Mike Pence flew in a leased Eastern Airlines Boeing 737.
Source: Eastern Airlines
Naturally President Trump's 2016 campaign rented his Boeing 757 'Trump Force One', though during the plane he got into some legal thicket with his Cessna (that he extricated himself from by selling the plane.. to himself).
So far Biden's campaign hasn't booked any airfare, so figures they don't need a plane.
Journalists loved 'hanging with the candidate' on the McCain plane. And what would we have done without seeing Hillary Clinton on board "Stronger Together" with her feet up on the bulkhead?
When you become President, by the way, you get a much cooler plane.
I had to have a little fun with this one. And if you can't take a jab or two no matter which side you're on you're doing it wrong.(HT: Paul H.)