Look, it's been a rough year for all of us. In times like these, we need heroes. Heroes like Darkwing Duck.

As reported by and revealed by executive producer, writer, and story editor Frank Angones, Darkwing Duck will be getting a treat in the next season of . Among the list of episodes for the new season, one of them, airing October 19th, is entitled "Let's Get Dangerous." And it's an hour-long special.

Angones went on in his Tweets to confirm that, yes, this is an "hour-long special Darkwing Duck event", as he called it. Like a lot of kids who grew up in the '90s, Darkwing Duck was personally very important to me; I loved the character before I was old enough to realize that he was incompetent and that his incompetence was, in fact, part of the joke. His general absence from the modern, rebooted Disney slate has made me incredibly sad-his cameo appearances in this new DuckTales universe, while delightful, have not yet slated my thirst. An hour of the bumbling, purple-clad avenger? That is something that criminals should fear, and that I should be excited about.

Let's get dangerous indeed.

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