Island führt neue Tests und Quarantäneverpflichtung ein ...
Island gestattet schon seit Monaten einen Tourismus. Mitte Juli hat Island sogar die Einreise aus Deutschland gelockert. Der sonst verpflichtende Covid-19 Test am Airport ist gänzlich weggefallen: Island öffnet sich Deutschland ... kein kostenpflichtiger Covid-19 Test mehr
Nun verschärft Island die Gangart für alle Einreisenden. Man verlangt zwei Tests im Abstand von 4-5 Tagen. Damit ergibt sich eine Quarantäneverpflichtung während dieser 4-5 Tage. Die neue Regelung gilt ab 19.08.2020!
Die Infos:
"The Government of Iceland has decided to impose more comprehensive border-screening measures as of 19 August. All arriving passengers must then choose between a 14-day quarantine and a double testing procedure along with a quarantine for 4-5 days.
The decision is one of a range of options outlined by the Chief Epidemiologist, in response to the recent cluster of infections in Iceland and the rise of infections .
The double border-screening procedure requires all passengers arriving in Iceland to undergo two PCR-tests: one upon arrival and another 4-5 days later to minimize the risk of a false negative causing infection to spread in the community. During this period, all arriving passengers must stay in quarantine in case of a possible infection. Those who test negative in the second PCR-test are no longer required to take special precautions. Those who test positive must self-isolate. Alternatively, arriving passengers can choose to stay in 14-day quarantine without undergoing any tests. Children born in 2005 and later are exempt from the double border-screening procedure.
All arriving passengers are still required to preregister before arrival. Adherence to the rules of preregistration will now be further enforced."
Zur Info Page: Double border screening for all arriving passengers
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