In a campaign rally-style speech on the Cleveland airport tarmac, Trump told his supporters that Biden is "following the radical left agenda," despite Biden's center right politics. The president added that Biden will "take away your guns, destroy your Second Amendment. No religion, no anything. Hurt the Bible, hurt God."
Trump might feel strongly about protecting both God and the Bible from a Biden presidency, but, ironically, when previously asked to name some of his favorite Bible verses, he couldn't, claiming it was "very personal" and he doesn't "want to get into specifics." For Trump, the Bible is both a reason to tear gas protestors and something that must be protected from Biden at all costs.
But the Biden campaign, to our knowledge, has not tried to attack or "hurt God" in any way. Andrew Bates, a spokesperson for Biden said in a statement that the presumptive Democratic nominee's faith "is at the core of who he is." The statement added, "Donald Trump is the only president in our history to have tear-gassed peaceful Americans and thrown a priest out of his church just so he could profane it-and a Bible-for his own cynical optics."
Trump has gone after Biden for months with a line of strange and downright false attacks. Biden is "sleepy," "corrupt," and "weak," according to the president, who wants his supporters to believe that despite it all, Biden also has the power to destroy God. Trump has repeatedly mocked Biden's mental fitness, running Facebook ads with tiles like, "Joe Biden is clearly diminished," and "Do you think Joe Biden has the mental fortitude to be president?"
More recently, Trump has gone after the former vice president with claims that he embraces "the policies of the radical left," like amnesty for undocumented immigrants and police abolition. These claims are simply not true. Biden has taken the same stance as the president when it comes to militant protestors, previously stating they should be prosecuted.
It's entirely unclear what God has done to deserve Joe Biden's alleged wrath, but it seems Trump feels that his opponent possesses much more power than we even knew!