Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. said on Wednesday that he had apologized for posting a photo of him in unzipped pants and arm around a woman - but also defended the incident as a vacation "costume party" that was "just in good fun."

The now-deleted photo showed Falwell, a leading evangelical supporter of President Donald Trump, with his pants unzipped and his underwear showing beneath, while he had one arm around a woman whose shorts also appeared to be unbuttoned and his other holding a glass with a dark-colored liquid. The photo appeared to be on board a yacht.

The posting - which was quickly withdrawn - drew a sharp backlash and charges of hypocrisy because the evangelical university that he leads prohibits students from having sexual relations outside of a "biblically-ordained" marriage and consuming media with lewd lyrics, sexual content and nudity. The university's policy also counsels "appropriateness" and "modesty" in how students must dress.
