Since Wednesday, July 22 American Airlines has been able to apply up to 8 credits from cancelled ticket to a single new ticket purchase.
When you cancel a trip, any residual value is stored alongside your ticket number. The ticket number is what's used to apply a credit to a new reservation. American's AACoRN system now lets an agent enter multiple ticket numbers - up to 8 - that have credits attached to them, and apply them all to a booking.
There are some limits to the system, though. You can use multiple credits that add up to less than the cost of a ticket. You can use a single credit that is greater than the cost of a ticket, and still have credit left. But you cannot use multiple credits that add up to more than the cost of a ticket and get credits back.
Here's an example:
A customer has multiple Trip Credits in varying amounts and expiration dates for an itinerary pricing at 455 dollars for example:
- 1 Trip Credit for 25 USD - expires 30JUL20
t- 1 Trip Credit for 50 USD - expires 05AUG20
t- 1 Trip Credit for 500 USD - expires 31DEC20
AACoRN will allow you to use either the two lower value Trip Credits in conjunction with a Credit Card for the add collect of 380USD
AACoRN will allow you to use the single higher value Trip Credit covering the price of the ticket and issue a residual in the amount of 45 USD
Note: If all three Trip Credits are applied AACoRN will display the following error message:
With all the flight credits from cancelled trips people have from the beginning of the pandemic this change is going to be useful.