Comic-Con@Home might be the big news in online conventions today, but it's definitely not the most aggressively bridge-burning: Justice Con, by and for people who have somehow built large chunks of their identity out of the Snyder Cut of Warner Bros.' , is also running this afternoon, operating with a much more renegade, say-whatever-you-want sort of vibe. That extends especially to the online con's biggest guest: Zack Snyder himself, who minced very few words about his feelings on any other Justice League movies you might have seen in theaters over the last few years, compared to the upcoming release of his version on HBO Max.
In an hour-long conversation, Snyder pulled zero punches, including noting that there is no fucking way you'll be seeing anything Joss Whedon shot showing up in his film. "I would destroy the movie, I would set it on fire, before I would use a single frame that I did not photograph," he asserted when the topic was brought up. (Between that, and Ray Fisher stating in an earlier panel that "every single one of those words, every single one of those comments" that he made about Whedon's "abusive" on-set behavior, "is true," it really wasn't a great day for Joss Whedon's public reputation.)
"That is a fucking hard fact," Snyder added. "I literally would blow that thing up, if I thought for a second..." he then trailed off, before continuing. "Anything you see in this movie that reminds you of the theatrical release-which again, famously, I literally have never seen-would be because that was a thing that I had done, and was being borrowed for whatever, that Frankenstein's monster that you got in the theater." So, yeah: Not a fan.
On (very slightly) less contentious notes, Snyder also talked about dealing with the studio's insistence on cutting the movie down to a shorter size (he doesn't see why they needed to), his desire to put Superman in a much darker suit (which the studio fought him on), and the notes he got to make the movie funnier (which he absolutely disagreed with). He also showed off a very short clip from his version (viewable at 31:45 in the above video), showing Superman meeting Jeremy Irons as Alfred, wearing said far-more dour take on his traditional blues, golds, and reds-along with promises of more footage (and news about the project's official length and title) at DC's FanDome event next month.