Disney is making some major changes to its release calendar that include displacing "Mulan" from its Aug. 21 release and pushing back the debuts of future Star Wars and Avatar by a year.

On Thursday, the company said that theater closures and production shutdowns during the global coronavirus pandemic caused to make a number of adjustments to its slate.

"Over the last few months, it's become clear that nothing can be set in stone when it comes to how we release films during this global health crisis, and today that means pausing our release plans for 'Mulan' as we assess how we can most effectively bring this film to audiences around the world," a Walt Disney Studios spokesperson said in a statement Thursday.

"Mulan" is currently listed as unset, meaning its release is delayed indefinitely. The company has also pushed back the release dates for three Star Wars movies and four Avatar sequels by one year.

Additional slate changes include:

  • "The Personal History of David Copperfield" moving to Aug. 28
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  • "Death on the Nile" is now debuting on Oct. 23
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  • "The Empty Man" will arrive on Dec. 4
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  • "The French Dispatch" is unset
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  • "Antlers" is now dated Feb. 19, 2021
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  • "The Last Duel" will arrive Oct. 15, 2021
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  • An untitled Disney Live Action film will take the place of "Avatar 2" on Dec. 16, 2021.
This is a breaking news story. Please check back for updates.