Updated 1 minute ago. Posted 30 minutes ago

It was a not-so-immaculate conception.

I've seen my fair share of wild teen pregnancy stories on TikTok, but I think this one takes the cake:
When Samantha Lynn Isabel was 19 years old, she realized her period was late. Pregnancy crossed her mind, but she didn't think it was likely, considering the fact that she and her boyfriend had never had penetrative sex. In fact, she'd fooled around, but never had sexual intercourse in her whole life.
I decided to reach out to gynecologist Dr. Jennifer Lincoln to get the lowdown on how someone can get pregnant this way.

She considered abortion, but ultimately decided to have the baby. "I was just nervous I wouldn't be able to give him everything. But he has it all and more," she said. Samantha's son, Bentley, is now 5. She's still with her boyfriend, Alex, and they also have a baby boy named Theo who's turning 1 next week. And yes, Theo was conceived the traditional way, Samantha added.

@sammilynnisabel / Via instagram.com

Samantha and Alex's children, Bentley and Theo. To this day, some of Samantha's family and friends jokingly call her "The Virgin Mary," she said.
