During an interview with Fox News anchor Chris Wallace that aired Sunday, President Trump refused to commit to accepting the results of the 2020 election, slammed mail-in voting and called polls showing him trailing former Vice President Joe Biden "fake"
WASHINGTON, DC - JULY 15: President Donald J. Trump walks from the Oval Office to board marine One ... [+]
63%. The Fox News poll found broad support for mail-in voting, with 63% of registered voters saying they favor allowing all U.S. citizens to vote by mail, while just 28% said they oppose such a measure.
Since seizing the nomination in April, Biden has frequently raised alarms about foul play on Trump's part. In April, Biden predicted that Trump will "try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it can't be held" and collude with Russia. Biden made similar claims in June, telling the Daily Show 's Trevor Noah "this president is going to try to steal this election." During a virtual fundraiser on Friday, Biden told a group of lawyers that he has begun receiving national security briefings and that "the Russians are still engaged in trying to delegitimize our electoral process. Fact."
In response to Trump's comments to Wallace, the Biden campaign's Rapid Response Director Andrew Bates said "the American people will decide this election. And the United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House."
Trump's comments come as concerns are mounting that the 2020 result may not be decisive on election night-or even in the weeks after the election. New York is still counting ballots from its primary, which took place three weeks ago, with some close races still uncalled. Additionally, in California, more than 100,000 mail-in ballots went uncounted, leading to concerns about possible voter suppression that build on already-widespread concerns among Democrats that Republicans will suppress voters in red states.